It's been a crazy few days and I fell off the blogger wagon! Yikes! Hope to get back on soon! Just a very quick daughter asked me last night "mom if you could have any super power what would it be?" Without hesitation the first thing that came to my mind was "being able to read people's minds"! She looked at me curiously and said I never thought of that as a super power but that's a good one! We laughed and she said she liked the idea of being able to walk through walls...the conversation then went on and I had her laughing talking about Wonder Woman and her invisible plane~~~she wasn't invisible, but her plane was! Phew I am dating myself again!
So the question of the day is what would YOUR super power be?
Hugs, French;)
Style Showcase 277
12 hours ago
The power to heal. Twin
Good Morning My Dearest French Fry!!!! Let's see.... hmmmmmm... my super power would be to have the "I dream of Jeannie Blink"... Heck... cleaning the house can get to be hectic... (hehehehehe) I would sit back with my feet propped up on my ottoman sipping on a full glass of wine, blinking my eyes until they were bone dry... (LOL)
Miss ya much!!!!!
What makes you think I don't already have superpowers? I think ALL women have superpowers... just not particualarly ones that are going to make it into a TV series or a comic book. We make a budget stretch, do laundry, cook meals, clean house, work on committees, raise children and pets,...... And try to stomp out evil. Yep looks like super power to me. When the boys were little, I used to blow on the traffic lights and make them turn green. Does that count? Carol
My super power would be Samantha Stevens nose in Bewitched. That woman could do anything and make anyone be anything or do anything! Ultimate power, WAHAHAHAHAHA! LOL. In regard to your comment on my blog, NO WAY could anyone in their right mind think you're that! I think you're a hoot and a real sweetheart to boot! Glad you're back on the wagon French!
Hi French, I don't really care about the super power as long as I could fly. Deb
Great question. I grew up watching Bewitched (and I dream of jeanie) and wanted to have that twitch the nose thing to get the house cleaned for my mom. But for a true SuperHero type of SuperPower, I guess I'd choose something that would help humanity...maybe time travel...can that be a super power? I could travel back in time and stop bad things from happening. I'd find out what went wrong with people like Hitler or keep him from getting into a power position.
Well, if Donna can blink until her eyes go bone dry, I want my nose to fall off........ Make me Samantha on Bewitched!
Twintoo, Donna (I want that blink thingy too, no!! it not working, nope definately not working Donna!!!!.) and Carol just about covered it French, missed you heaps, hugs, Kathy.
I AM SUPER WOMAN!!! I can leap durty laundry baskets Hear what hubby is saying. Stopp speading dogs with a single hand.Fly into the next room when someone calls. Work two jobs and blog with you ladies. HA!!!That sounds like most of us. WE ARE SUPER WOMEN!! Kathy
Hmmm, very good question...I would have to say on Star Trek..."Beam me up Scottie"!
Hey French Whats with this gravy stuff on Fish n Chips. Mushy peas and brown sauce maybe but not gravy!!!!!.
I like that time travel and teleportation idea, I have a few things I would like to say to that Hitler fellow and a few others too. Kathy.
Ooh, I think I'd like to be able to fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Justine :o )
I think I'd like to be invisible, but only when I WANT to.
I actually alread have a super power: a super sense of smell. Seriously I can smell things, good and bad, from a mile away. WORST. SUPER. POWER. EVER.
Watcha' talking about girlfriend. Don't you remember, "I am woman". We have super powers!! Just don't ask a man!! LOL Hugs, Terrie
I've always wanted to be a "fly on the wall" If only I could know what others are thinking. Ya, I saw the movie What Women Want. I don't need to read minds to know what men want, but I'd like to use this super ability to help others (like to know what people need that they don't want to bother someone about) and of course I think there are many selfish benefits too.
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