Go see other great Makeover's
here at Susan's;)

Two years ago we added this addition to our very small back porch

You can sort of see where the original porch ended, my hubby had covered the porch with this canopy shortly after we first moved in...the canopy didn't last long and the color just wasn't working for me..the table and chairs were my original kitchen set and can hardly be seen here... but now..

This is what it looks like this year...we hd the canopy re-covered in a red fabric and the chairs were also covered in the same red to match..this is the view at night

Now we even have lights for the evening...music and even a fan up in the right hand corner to help not only with the heat but the bugs...;)

It is still a major work in progress but so much nicer to look at now

Hope you enjoy all the other Met Monday posts!!