Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tablescape Tuesday

Trust me most days this is NOT how it looks...not even close (lol)

I added a little Christmas decor to make it look pretty!

I know it's weird to see the palms with the Christmas decor but hey on Christmas eve it was 73 degrees here! I love the mosaic candle holder the reflection it gives off in the evening is incredible!

A close up of the glasses with the palm trees!

G-man go get the shrimp please!

We had a great drop in! The only thing missing of course is all of our friends and family from Canada! Maybe next year?
Hope you all have a great day and the Happiest of New Year's to ALL!!
Hugs Lisa and G-man
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I want to share really I do but......

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Twas the Night Before Xmas Blogger Style;0)

Tablescape Tuesday and A Partridge on a Pear Table?

I am honored to be part of this fun activity considering all the experts out there but I am truly enjoying trying all the different things;)

I only set the table for four this time, colors are silver, white, black and a hint of purple and gold...weird combination yet I think it works;)

Look at the back of the small plates! I actually have a full setting of 4 (minus one teacup that got broken) sigh~~~~

So here's my second table scape and many many thanks to all you ladies that have inspired me to try this and continue playing with different ideas!!
These are all the dishes I have except for the ones we use every day which I may do a simple every day table scape with just for fun!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Christmas Past 1967

While doing some much needed housework...(yuck) I came upon this picture of my sweet G-man! He was only 2 years old but the look on his face at Christmas signifies what the true meaning of Christmas is...look at the anticipation in his beautiful eyes as he gets ready to open a present.....Love you sweetheart!

Hugs French xoxoxox
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Proud Mama

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday Thirteen Random Rants.....

2. I had no idea I would enjoy the table scape Tuesday so much big thanks to Susan for the introduction!
3. I survived the MRI unscathed...results negative for TOS but still continuing more testing...the vascular surgeon thinks it might be RSD Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (ugh)
4. Medical bills suck!
5. What ever happened to Mr. Bill anyway? (lol)
6. I think I need a vacation away from MYSELF! ( Is that possible?)
7. Life would be so much easier if we all had Oprah's money (or would it?)!
8. Note to self..... never go get a $40 dollar haircut when your in a pissy, ( I need a change!) mood they will always screw it up and cut it WAY too short ( evidence below)!
9. Menopause sucks! Who invented wrinkles? I hate them!
10. My short term memory is getting terrible WHY???( never mind I can't remember)
11. I need to learn how to use power tools!
12. I realized I now have a new addiction (table scapes and bling hello Lynne??) (lol)
13. You will all think I am crazy after this post ( then again maybe you already knew I was and it's just a new discovery for me, or maybe I knew...... and forgot?)
Hugs and please no laughing at the new haircut (it will grow back and not look chopped up....yes or no?)
Seriously it's a bad haircut but I do the best I can with it until it can be fixed!
Hugs and much Love from the Scrooge ( BAH HUMBUG!)
French xoxoxo
Monday, December 15, 2008
My First Tablescape Tuesday

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I found this image on another blog months ago and decided to finally use it! I am not sure even what they had used it for, but this is my version! Thirteen random things...
1. I wish I could be that little girl ( up there ) again some days....but know what I know today...
2. I know that there are only 13 days left for Christmas shopping and I have yet to start...
3. I know that I have spent far too much time visiting doctors these days...and it will only get worse....
4. I know that my husband has finally gained the courage to set a plan in motion and stick to it! (I'm proud of you honey!)
5. I know that my daughter is slowly getting on the right path and for that I am truly grateful!
6. I know that at Christmas I really do miss my family more than any other time of year...
7. I know that when your down in the dumps people always seem to kick you harder...
8. I know that life has a way of reminding you of what is truly important.....
9. I know that I totally suck at sending my gifts and I have NOT forgotten about my 3 winners and only hope they can forgive me....
10. I know that RMS ain't what it used to be.....
11. I know that because of RMS I have met some of the most wonderful people that I am truly honored to call friends, despite our differences, despite the distance and despite the fact that most I have never met....
12. I know that I am far more insecure than I would have most people believe....
13. I know that or at least hope some will share their thirteen with me...even if only here in a comment...
Hugs and much love French;) xoxoxo
Monday, December 8, 2008
Blogger Issues!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Truth or Dare?

First a big thank you to Melissa for this award and the opportunity to try this out;) You can go see her here! She is so cute and full of life and just down right loveable!
OK so here is my list of 10:
1. I have coffee on first thing in the morning and the last cup at about 10 PM I can't live without coffee!
2. I have a secret addiction to pastries not chocolate!
3. Although I enjoy work, I have loved being off despite good and bad days...( it just doesn't pay enough)!
4. I have learned so much about decorating from my dearest friend Kelly who I met via RMS and who now lives really close to me;)
5. The most romantic thing my G-man did for me was plan a surprise dinner for two in Jamaica, candles, flower petals etc...it was truly dreamy!
6. While working as a Flight Attendant our crew was invited to eat dinner with the Prime Minister of Guyana Sam Hinds, we were picked up in a bullet proof car (yikes)!
7. I was never the athletic type, nor did I ever sing or play an instrument but I do wish I would have........ I wanted to learn the play the drums but never did!
8. I have been to the Louvre in Paris
9. I spoke French before I spoke English it was my first language....now I can hardly read or write it but I still understand it!
10. I visited the site of the famous Jonestown Cult in Guyana where the massacre took place, it was eerie and I didn't like it one bit...read more here if interested.
Now I would like to share this with:
1.Heather (Rue)
3. Raquel
4. Robyn
5. Donna Marie
6. Jill
7. Bo
So here's my list...if you can that's great if not no biggie! Have fun with it;) French xoxox
Monday, December 1, 2008
Gollum's Story #3 per Jacob & Merci Beaucoup!

Sorry I got carried away there!
So here is Jacob's story....... Before you read this please know I cheated...I gave the exercise to my 10 year old son, told him to choose a picture, showed him the words and let him pick out the ones he wanted, and said write whatever you want, and make it a short story.
Bleeding Love
"Look out" everyone said. We all kept on running, they were coming...fast. Some were caught by the Griffins and were taken as hostages. Each gleaming shine of daylight forced us into the dark by the blizzard that was crushing our hope of living....and love. I could never find my true love, if I'm going to run I said to myself each day, but it never gave me the courage though. Each day I would go hunting for food and my true love, if I found food I would take a single lick and stuff it all in mouth. If I found love she'd be lying there......dead. One day when I was trying to find food again, I was in a deep and long alley. I heard laughter in a room. It sounded like a woman and a boy, I opened the door and there was my true love....standing there laughing with her son. "hello" I said. "Hello" she said back. "Can I sit down?" I asked. "Yes" she said back. And suddenly we kissed. "Ewwww" said the boy. "What's your name" I asked. "Calina" she said. "What's yours?"......"I don't know....I never had a name" I said. She looked surprised then she had a thinking face on. "How about hmmmm Zackary" "that's my name!" said the boy. "Zackary it is" I said. We gave each other another little kiss and then I knew this was my true love....
The End

Kathy, one of the sweetest people in blog-land, and a fellow RMS'er has passed along this wonderful award to me because she thinks my blog is fabulous, if you pop over to see Kathy at Casa Dolce Casa you will see that not only does Kathy have a fabulous blog but that Kathy herself is uber fabulous too. I mean seriously.... she travels the world, and still finds time to visit us all too! I am truly flattered to receive this award from you Kathy, Merci Beaucoup mon ami.
Here are the rules:
Copy and paste the rules and instructions in your post.
When you post about receiving this award, make sure you include who gave you the award and link it back to them.
Post five of your addictions.
Add the award image.
Let your winners know you gave them an award by leaving them a comment on their blog.
OK so you all know by now I hate following rules and I have noticed so many getting this lovely award .... so if you haven't received this and realize I was having a total blonde moment please take it from me cause I love to share;) I learned to share in kindergarten (lol)!!
My 5 addictions (this is too easy!)
1. Blogging
2. Writing
3. Decorating
4. Coffee
5. Movies
Hugs to all and have a great one;) French
PS Jacob is dying to see all your replies;) He got very excited about this!!

Sheryl got your message this is the best one I have so far still needs a little tweaking and it was dark but Ihope you can see it;) French
About Me
- Lisa (aka) French
- South Carolina, United States
- Never say what if... Just do. Live life without regrets...RN /Author/Interior Decorator