Just for those that may take the time to hear about the before and after project Kelly and I have been working on....I without the help of Kelly would never have been able to take on this kind of project, not because I couldn't do it but because she gave me the strength to do it even on days I cried at the thought of going back but also because of my friend Bobbie for whom we did it for...upon moving to SC and not knowing a soul she was the first person that be-friended me so to speak...we grew very close very quickly because at the age of only 33 her husband passed away and I was there for her during the most difficult time of her life. She is a gentle soul who always does for others and rarely for herself. She has re-married and has since had another child , and is very happy. Now the one thing she has always wanted was a nice home but truly never knew how to achieve it and most of her attempts were unsuccessful and without any help from family or friends without a price. She has after 11 years of knowing her decided to buy and build her dream home for her and her new husband, and despite his inability to do anything around the home he is a kind and supportive soul. So in my heart I truly felt this was something she not only wanted but truly needed help with, so began the project. She became very frustrated at times, and our friendship was tested because honesty at times may not be pleasant, but necessary. So we began what seemed to be an impossible task, and at every turn there seemed to be a barrier, or detour , a brick wall on our journey making things seem impossible, and with a deadline which we totally knew we would never meet..Then finally the day came where the first room was completed and as she walked into the room, a proud and humble woman crumbled and cried on my shoulder, thanking me and Kelly for giving her something she had always wanted but never had....I held back the tears and at that moment realized why I had been put on this journey....what goes around comes back around I thought to myself...a selfless act being shown out of love for a friend...Last Wednesday should have been our last visit but we decided to go back for one more visit and tweak things a little but before we arrived at our usual Wednesday morning I got a call from Bobbie saying that her husband had been rushed to the hospital to have emergency surgery, and although he is fine right now will have to be brought home with a wound vac and, and very large open incision which will mean he will be down for several weeks...So I guess, after all the grumbling I became humbled by the fact that God had put us there at that time to prepare her to take care of her husband.... she had a clean home, an organized home and finally she would realize how important it was while caring for him. So life does work in mysterious ways, and I am thankful that Kelly and I could be a part of his healthy and speedy recovery! Lisa