Tuesday, September 30, 2008
6 Quirky things about me!
2. If someone (husband or my kids) take a sip out of my milk~~it's all theirs! There is just something about it that turns my stomach...I will share anything else just not milk!
3. I don't balance my checkbook, well at least not on paper it's in my head and I worry about the day I won't be able to do that anymore!
4. I have an addictive personality---I used to be at Bingo all the time when we lived in Canada! Yeah can you picture me with all my dabbers lined up and my Troll dolls (don't laugh it's true)! But hey I used to win a lot! Thus I could never live in Vegas I would be broke!
5. I had no idea I would enjoy writing so much it's addictive to me, see above comment (lol)! I just want to keep going and going, I have plots all over my head going in every direction!
6. I love to travel, but I am a total chicken shit with other things! I am a total city girl if you threw me into the jungle I would surely perish!
I was tagged by both Chris and Donna;) I think most have already done this so only do it if you want to!
I couldn't wait so~~~~~ Chapter 1 is NOW available!
Hugs French;)
Monday, September 29, 2008
G-man at large!!

1. He's sitting in front of the tv, what is on the screen? House, Ghost Hunters, Anthony Bourdain, Chef Gordon Ramsay
Sunday, September 28, 2008
So it begins...
Hope you enjoy it;)
Hugs French
Head Count
1. Beulah and Dexter Montague (school teacher and wife)
2. Kathy -(the local recluse and artist)
3. Raquel- Angelique (the model)
4. Shannon- Dr. and Mrs. Leigh Lexington
5. Deb- Mrs. Plumbward (nosy busy body friend to Beaudine Gaunch)
6. Mrs. Ben- Dr. Alexus Stran (therapist)
7. Naz- Cosima Greenwood (the gambler, snobby country club socialite mother to Shania)
8. Cindy- Pam Tanna (the private investigator)
9. Justine -Scarlett O Hairy-(the town slut)
10.Donna- Savannah Jones (aspiring model/actress)
11.Pumpkin Lisa- Kate Carliall (lonely housewife)
12. Squaw - Roxy LaRue (party girl friend to all, sister to Sheriff Nikki)
13 Elizabeth Betsy Bainbridge (snarky friend)
14. Nikki- Sheriff La Rue (sister to Roxy)
15.Brown-eyes- Beaudine Gaunch (town busy body, best friends with Mrs Plumbward)
16. Cindy (onlymehere) Shania Greenwood (daughter of Cosima)
17.Twice as Nice- Mrs. Lauren Von Schnauzer
18. Imjacobsmom- Brooke Lexus Von Schnauzer
19.Sherylthe Canadian- assistant to Crystal
20. Gollum- Crystal "Boom Boom" Jones
21. Kathy-(mama)Daphne Primrose Cunliffe (best friends with Bunny)
22. Bridget-Bunny Montana (best friends with Daphne they are drinking, socialites)
23. Schmecky- Antonella Bianchi (daughter of Antonio Bianchi)
24. Antonio Bianchi (mob boss)
25. Kyle - The pool boy
26. French- Taylor Diggle (attorney at law)
27. Mr Von Schnauzer (owns the automobile enterprise)
28. Dr.Anthony Montana - (town vet- husband to Bunny Montana)
29. Dustin Hooker ( the town golf pro)
30. Tootise Dahl- (therapist to Taylor Diggle)
31. Dr. Mc Hott
32. JD Jeremy- (the pool boy)
Holy cow! That's it I can handle no more at this point.......speak now or forever hold your peace if I have missed you!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Time is running out~~~~
Please keep in mind I may inadvertently miss someone and if I do just give me a gentle reminder! It's alot to start with but once I get a handle on it , it should be a breeze!!!
PS Just in case I haven't told y'all lately....I truly love all of you! xoxox
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hugs French;)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I need your stage names ladies!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
When I grow Up I want to be A~~~~~????
I want to be a Nurse
I want to be a dancer ( and NO not a pole dancer Donna)
I want to be an actress
I want to be a ballerina
I want to be a Flight Attendant
So here I sit 30 something (++a few) years later and.........
I danced for 12 years, tap ballet and jazz....
I worked as a Flight Attendant
I am now and currently work as a Nurse....
I have my Real Estate license
I have an Interior Design Certificate
I am a business owner
So I guess I have achieved most of my goals~~hey don't they say that what you learn in kindergarten is all you will ever need in life? ( I digress that's another blog)!
I want to act dammit! Oh wait I did have a 20 second spot on RMS does that count? NAH~~why can't I be part of the Lipstick Jungle or Sex in the City! Ohhh I know let's start a new show called
Where decorating diva's and SAHM divide and conquer all the fake Hollywood bimbo's! Brains vs dumb azzes! Where it's sweats vs stiletto's! Oh what tangled webs we weave......

So where should this story take place? What character do you want to have...good? bad? I am giving myself the deemed character of the sensitive one~~~yep I am a mush ball (that just happens to cuss at times)!
Biggest hugs and no cussing this time!
Hugs French;) xoxox
Monday, September 22, 2008
My Bucket List
1. Watching my children graduate, be successful, happy~ get married and have children ( not in a hurry for this one!)
2. Write a book/novel
3. Travel to Greece, Scotland with my family
4. Get married to my sweetheart again on the beach in a casual ceremony..with family and friends surrounding us!
5. Make a drastic positive change in someones life by just talking with them
6. Be able to financially give money to friend's that need it without them knowing I did it...
7. Fly to New York for a weekend with hubby, Christine and Kevin and catch a show..
8. Own a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes!!!!!
9. Be a motivational speaker
10. Fly my friend Janice and her family to see me!
11. Meet all of my blogging friends;)
12. Travel here in Jamaica with butler service (grins)
13. Transform my backyard into a tropical heaven, pool and hot tub included!
14. Have my family live closer....
15. Live to work------ not work to live!
16. Watch my hubby have success in his business
17. Be a Big Brother contestant (he he he) and win!
18. Design for a living or have Stacey London's job!
19. Go shopping when and where I wanted to!
20. Take some cooking classes and enjoy cooking!
21. Take photography lessons
22. Have a housekeeper
23. Own some property abroad either in the islands or in Scotland
24. Learn to speak Spanish fluently ( I would like to be able to say that I am trilingual!)
25. Learn to sew like my grandmother did!
26. Die peacefully in my sleep at an old age
So here are just a few things....thanks to all that have played along;)
HUGS French;) xoxox
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Bucket List

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Our Home in a Mosaic

Thursday, September 18, 2008
If Cursing Offends you then DON"T read!!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
What's with the number 3 and questions????
Random questions......yes? LOL

Monday, September 15, 2008
Donna This One's For YOU!
She is home baby steps~~~~~
Love and Hugs Lisa and G-man;)xoxoxo
Click here to see video and have speakers on! and pause my music to get the full effect!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Reality TV Junkie

Thursday, September 11, 2008
The power of prayer....

Monday, September 8, 2008
Dying of a Broken Heart

Today should be a happy day. Instead we feel like we are dying of a broken heart. My daughter is 18 today and in her infinite wisdom, she left yesterday while I slept! Without a word to either of us or even her brother....I am a mess, hell we are all a mess even Jake can't stop crying! She left to go live with a boyfriend who is totally controlling her. She has always been responsible, respectful and loving and I just don't understand this....this is my worst nightmare, we do nothing but cry constantly please pray for us because I don't know what else to do.......we are dying from a broken heart.....I don't know what to do....I don't know how to handle this... words can't even begin to describe the pain and the hurt we are feeling right now! The depths of the hurt and disappointment are tremendous...I feel as though a part of me has been ripped away...
I don't think I can get through this......If we didn't get along or argued it may be easier to understand but we didn't argue and I thought we were close.....I don't know where we went wrong!!
Lisa (dying of a broken heart)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
We have A Winner~~~

Friday, September 5, 2008
Playing with Decor and Pictures

We even have some key black and white elements already, and other than paint, bedding, and curtains which I could make, it would be quite easy~~~oh yeah except for the time involved!
Hugs and love French;)
PS I have been re-decorating my blog after all it's much cheaper then decorating myhome! I lost my blog roll and tried to remember everyone! If you are NOT on my list, then I had a blonde moment, forgive me and kindly remind my dumb-ass!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
We Have Winners! And 1 blonde LOSER!
1. Twice As Nice at http://twiceasnicetwin.blogspot.com/
2. Deb at http://debscountrykisses.blogspot.com/
3. Linda at http://coconutsandlimes.blogspot.com/
If you ladies will please send me your addresses and names I will forward your packages!! You can leave me a post here if you want and title DO NOT POST and I will simply copy the information and then delete;) Now keep in mind the item is currently being worked on~~~I didn't lie~~I am not making it~~~hubby is;) sort of well maybe, we'll see.... I am currently working on my blog so if I disappear for a few days you'll know why! Maybe one day I will be back from the depths of bloggerville...UGH~~~ (wishing I had paid more attention in computer class) and even taken an extra class or two!
Here I sit~~~~again! Screaming at the computer~~Lord knows it can't be user error! (roflmao)
Congrats to the winners!!!
Love Frenchfry xoxoxo
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
My 100th Post and a Giveaway! It's a Long One Bare with ME!
Dearest Friends! A week or so ago Donna over at >>>http://www.deembee.blogspot.com/: posted a "Pay it Forward" Post! The first three people to comment received a gift.. Here are the rules... (I think)!
The rules are that it can be something that I've made (yeah right!), bought, or found, but that it should be something that I'd like to receive if it were me getting the gift! If you happen to be one of THE FIRST 3 persons to leave a comment, all I ask is that they do the same for the FIRST 3 PEOPLE to leave a comment on your blog and that you do a blog publishing the rules like I have done here. I'll touch base with the FIRST PERSON later to get their mailing addresses to send their little surprise package. This should be fun and I'm looking forward to it! The item can be one thing.......... a couple of small things............. or whatever you'd like. Be creative and remember that it doesn't have to cost a lot of money, just send something that you'd like to receive if you were on the receiving end of it!! Now, let's share the love! I already know what the special gifts are~~~~~so forward your name and address. Now in case anyone wondered why I waited to reply to this well there was a very good reason...I had to check out the goods and make sure I had takers...so to speak! I digress....more on that later....
It's funny because I never imagined I would ever be blogging! I have found this to be quite therapeutic during what has been an extremely difficult time in my life... I have found to my surprise that my blogging, and non-blogging supporting friends, have not only become friends but , become friends who understand my past, believe in my future, and accept me just the way I am. I believe there is truth in writing that surpasses what a person can say face to face...I believe that because of YOU ladies there are STILL wonderful, kind loving and caring people in the world! I believe that I have learned a great deal about so many wonderful people, that I have yet to meet face to face! Yet, should I need a shoulder I believe you would bare my weight and let me just sob, without a word if that's what I needed! I have come to realize that I, nor is my family perfect, we are functionally dysfunctional as are so many families yet the love we share is immeasurable! I have been shown, compassion, love, caring, thoughtfulness and unbelievable faith and humor! You have given me strength and courage when I felt I had none left to give...you have given me hope when I believed all hope was lost... you have made me appreciate individuality, and quirkiness! So to ALL my friends blogging and non-bloggers, from the bottom of my heart I Thank YOU!!!!! (muahhhh)
Now a little "HINT" of what kind of gift I am sending~~and it's "NOT" the obvious! (LMAO)
Love and thanks to everyone for all the support since my beginning Blogging days in March of 2008!!! Over 5600 visitors since the counter and it's relatively new!!! That truly blows me away!! Who knew I was that interesting???(he he he)
Sincerely from the heart~~~~~Lisa (aka French;)
PS: French because I am bilingual, Kilt because hubby is Scottish~~that's it two names married together as one! xoxoxoxo " The Story of Us"~~~This song is for YOU!!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
T-Shirt Sayings....
1.My imaginary friend thinks you have mental problems.
2.Nice face! What are you gonna' do when the baboon wants his butt back?
3.Support human cloning! Two heads are better than one.
4.I'm not getting smaller, I'm backing away from you.
5.Did you eat a bowl of stupid for breakfast?
6.I don't know what makes you dumb, but it really works.
7.If a man speaks in the middle of a forest and there is no woman to hear him, is he still wrong?
8.You're just jealous because the voices talk to me.
9.Don't interrupt me while I'm talking with myself!
10.I'm with stupid >>>
11. No sense in being pessimistic. It wouldn't work anyway!
12.It's only funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's hilarious.
13.People like you are the reason people like me need medication.
14.Oh crap! You're going to try and cheer me up, aren't you?
15.Do not disturb! I'm disturbed enough already.
16.Due to budget cuts, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.
17.I'm sorry. My fault. I forgot you were an idiot.
18.Excuse me, but do I look like someone who cares?
19. If you can't say something funny about someone, don't say anything at all.
20.The world is a strange place. Let's keep it that way!
21.I woke up on the wrong side of life.
22.WARNING! All stressed out and I haven't choked anyone today.
23.Keep watching. Maybe I will do a trick!
24.If I got smart with you, how would you know?
25.To save time, let's just assume that I know everything.
26.Sarcasm is just one more FREE service we offer.
27.If I flush, will you go away?
28.Do I look like your therapist?
29.I live in my own little world. It's okay! They know me here.
30.Normal people scare me!
32.I can only please one person per day, and today is not your day. Tomorrow does not look good either.
Well ladies my next post will be my 100th~~~be sure to tune in for a special surprise!
Oh and if you haven't voted yet for Justine's Garlic Bowtie Pasta Dish then what are you waiting for? To vote now go here! Good Luck Justine!!
About Me
- Lisa (aka) French
- South Carolina, United States
- Never say what if... Just do. Live life without regrets...RN /Author/Interior Decorator