The infamous "Rat Pack" movies

Hello "Mrs. Robinson"

Let's not forget James Dean!

I loved all these movies Bob Hope always made me laugh!

Oh the singing and the dancing!

These two were a hoot together! They played off of eachother so well!

Frankly my dear "I don't give a damn"

One of my all time favorite movies, you gotta love Father O'Malley!

Classic film so taboo in the day wasn't it?

Classic movie by the classiest of ladies!

My all time favorite Christmas movie in the original black and white haven't missed it once in all my 41 years!

The dance world was never the same after this movie!

The music, the people such talent in this flick!

A genuine classic!

I have seen this movie most often of all. I even own a collector's edition of it! I also seen the stage production of it about 16 years ago in Toronto!
So you see ladies, thanks to my wonderful parents I have been very educated in the movie world! Both my parents are movie buffs and thanks to them I am too!
We often still call eachother and say what was the name of or who was that guy or girl in???
I am the master of nothing but I sure know my movies and actors and actresses! So which one of these haven't you seen?